The Design
Here is the Baby Baffle basic design with the Baby Bottom 12″ woofer.
This design is for those who feel they do not have room for the bigger baffle sizes with the larger drivers still fairly sensitive at 96dbs w/m in baffle. This design can work with our 9w Monoblock single-ended tube amplifiers and get very loud in a home environment. The baffles themselves can be made at any height needed to get the 10″ coaxial driver to ear level.
Although a similar sound signature to the larger 15″ coaxial drivers, they do sound different and given the baffle size in these plans have enhanced imaging characteristics. They do not get as loud as the original baffles but they do sound just as good.
The Crossover
The crossover used is a 3.3uF capacitor on the tweeter with a Lpad for level matching (we highly suggest this), with the 6″ hole there is no need for a choke on the woofer section. The 12″ driver has a choke and a ring slot as per the plans above.
With the crossover here you will notice there is an 18″ woofer added, simply omit that for some. Also some have used the LDA18 with the 10″ coaxial with no 12″ and a 6mH choke rather than a 10mH choke, and have reported this worked well. Although I have not tried that yet. Also I tried the 10″ coaxial and the LDA12 with a single 18″ connected to a plate amp as a subwoofer between the two baffles with a very nice balanced sound. With the 200w plate amplifier you could obtain as much bass as you wanted with a single LDA18 in this configuration.
This is a concept I tried, it was good but I think it needs a wing on the other side of the baffle to limit cancelations. I will get back to this design later.
I think a better options would be to take out the 12″ drivers and go with just a single 18″ driver with a slightly smaller choke of about 6mH. The benefit of this design was the front profile was sill fairly narrow. Also the front baffle width is helpful if you make it slightly wider to make more room for the wings on the back side.
With the use of an Lpad, you can make the speaker sound practically however you like, bright, warm, and with a subwoofer even a “v” shaped signature. You can also not use a choke on the mid/woofer for a midrange pronounced sound, or one larger than 1.5mh for a more subdued sound. Coming will be more plans that extend the bass even further, and create more options, and some plans with smaller baffles for small rooms.

Above is Dan’s Baby Baffle version. The benefit of this baffles is its balance, which allows the driver to really shine in all its qualities, even bass below 100hz with this small driver.