Below you can find vacuum tubes used in our amplifiers.

Some quick notes about the 6Y6 vacuum tubes. There are three variants, the 6Y6G, which has a coke bottle shape, or ST glass envelope. The 6Y6GT, which has a small glass tube envelope like the 6V6 vacuum tube, and the 6Y6GA, which has a larger glass envelope like the 6L6 vacuum tube.

The 6Y6GT is limited by its screen grids’ lower voltage/ current abilities, but it also sounds the most dynamic and detailed. The 6Y6G tube has a more vintage sound and can vary more in its sonic qualities, some sounding sharper brighter than the GT, some sounding softer and warmer than the GT. The GT is the most consistent to its sound, and well balanced. This is why we sell the UA2.5 with the 6Y6GT. Pairing these with various 6N6P tubes can give you an very unique sonic character in the UA2.5 amplifier. Occasionally we have for sale a limited supply of the 6Y6GA.

A little about this cryogenically treated vacuum tube:
This tube took three years to develop into what it is today. The sonic quality enhancement is due to a proprietary Deep Cryogenic treatment that we developed along with our vendor. It has taken us thousands of hours to testing to get to this final product. The 6H30P-DR, commonly found on eBay costing over $200.00 each isn’t as sonically refined as a cryogenically treated 6N6P(XS).

Some of the highlights of the tube’s sonic signature are: A more relaxed effortless presentation, with an “open sound” and overall greater detail and nuance. Strings, cymbals, drums, and wind instruments can all be heard individually and with enhanced clarity with this vacuum tube. Depending on the rest of your system will determine how much you will benefit by using one of these vacuum tubes.