Allegro UA2.5v1


Integrated Tube Amplifier

This is the latest in La Dolce Audio’s tube amplifier designs. This is an all vacuum tube amplifier design. This is an integrated amplifier and we prefer you use it without a preamplifier. This way the sonic signature of it will be preserved as the designer intended but will work with any preamplifier that we know of, including those putting out higher voltages above 4 volts AC. We may release a mono-block version later of this design.
Vacuum tube amplifier design.
Linear power supply.
Integrated amplifier design.
Amplifiers come with a matched pair of 6Y6GT tubes.|
Additional matched pairs can be purchased upon request.
New old stock vacuum tubes. The 6Y6 beam power pentode, and Russian 6N6P.
Single-ended pentode topology.
Japanese Z11 iron core output transformers with 4Ω and 8Ω speaker taps.
Two inputs with rotary selector switch.
Output transformers are resin-filled aluminum cans to reduce vibration and emf induction.
Sandblasted anodized all-aluminum chassis, with copious ventilation for cooling. We use a dual chassis, a chassis plate within the chassis to allow for more cooling and isolation of tube heat from other parts of the amplifier.
Rubber bottomed feet to prevent the amplifier from scratching your furniture. These rubber feet can be replaced should they ever wear out by the user, as they are simple “O” rings.
Sound enhancement switches, the amplifier with these switches can have as many as 24 different sonic signatures, per set of tubes.
Designed so that three different NOS vacuum power tubes can be used. The 6Y6G, 6Y6GT, or the 6Y6GA. Of these three types, they all sound slightly different as each matched pair of those three types.

Therefore with 24 sonic signatures per tube pair type, and three types of 6Y6 tubes available, this amp can have 72 different sonic signatures. In addition to this the amplifier can use a few different types of vacuum tubes for its driver tube used to drive the 6Y6 tubes. It comes with the 6N6P, but there are variants of this tube as well. Since this tube is the little sister to the 6H30P, and of those variants can work in this amplifier as well. If you can afford a 6H30P-DR tube, we recommend you try it in this amplifier, as it adds a new level of sonic bliss to this amplifier’s experience.

3w to 5w power output depending on the tubes, normally around 4 watts is realistic. We have gotten anywhere between 3.5w to 5w with this design depending on the vacuum tubes used.

4Ω or 8Ω impedance outputs either can be used because no harm will come to the amplifier by using either with speakers rated between 4 Ω or 8Ω.

Distortion varies depending on the wattage level output and the positions of the feedback/bias switches on the front of the amplifier as well as the specific tube type used. The front panel switches tailor the sonic signature of the amplifier to better mate to speakers, enhance recordings and meet the preferences of the listener. They also affect the damping factor of the amplifier to work with a wider range of speakers. With these switches, this amplifier can sound anywhere between a single-ended triode like a 2A3 to a full-throttle pentode amplifier. Pentodes have a sound unique to them.

To be honest, distortion is what single ended vacuum tube amplifiers are all about. Single-ended amplifiers have more distortion than most other types of audio amplifiers. We tailor the distortion to give a sonic signature that we found is desirable, giving a transparent but lively sound to the music. We can no longer say a single-ended amplifier of this type can not do some types of music well but other types not as well, it can do all types of music well. As to if one is better sounding on this amp compared to another will vary depending on several factors, the type of source used, the speakers used, the positions of the sonic enhancement switches on the front panel, and the preferences of the user.